At the intersection of art, creativity and the unending pursuit of knowledge, I do my very best to explore avenues that do justice to my varied interests, passions and what I'm innately drawn towards by creating, innovating, learning and exploring. Creating is a way of life for me, something which I have been doing ever since I was a child. My career has spanned several areas of study as an adult, since. I graduated with a B.E. degree in Information & Communication Technology from MIT Manipal, India but I have worked primarily as a writer & journalist for the majority of my career while also exploring musical avenues.

As far as writing goes, following my avid interest in football(soccer), I have written for sports content platforms around the world like Caught Offside, Between The Posts, Sportskeeda, Essentially Sports and other smaller platforms like Soccer Souls, All Things Chelsea and To The Lane & Back & The Kop Times. I own a football blog called The Full Time Whistle Co., where I try to provide a platform for budding young writers, while also contributing to it myself.

Music has been a mainstay in my life for as long as I can remember as well. For my explorations in music, I have a dedicated website that has all my music on it from independent releases to DJ sets/mixes, playlists and film compositions. It's under my artist moniker Ghost Intent and hosted on a separate website. I have also written about audio software & music tech for the platform House Nest.

I have been studying and analysing film for as long as I can remember, dating to my childhood and teens. Film is an art form I was and have been enthralled by as a medium of artistic expression. So I have, naturally, also written about Film for the platforms Movieweb, Far Out Magazine and The Cinemaholic. I also have a slowly growing portfolio of film scores I've made by entering several short film composing competitions which are on my personal YouTube channel under my real name @GauravKrishnan which contains my endeavours in film composing, some short films and some video essays that I've made over the past few years.

I regularly blog on Medium about different topics and areas of my interest ranging from physics, philosophy, tech, history, science and of course music, film and art. It's practically my own TED project, which was inspired by an essay I read by the 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant, called "What is Enlightenment?" wherein he urged learning and acquiring knowledge and perspective and sharing it with the world. My Medium page comprises a few side publications that group some of the articles. There's Light Years, After The Full Time Whistle, The Music Magnet & The Film Corner Writer.

Mirroring my Medium page, I also have a Substack newsletter called Light Years by Gaurav Krishnan, & a LinkedIN newsletter called With Your Sound You Kill The Inc. which you can subscribe to if you'd like my articles delivered straight to your inbox.

In further explorations in writing, I have also written two books of poems called The Indian Night, and Interludes To The Indian Buddha which echo the myriad experiences I had in my twenties after college encapsulated in verses written in my own new-age style of writing poetry, which is perhaps rather unconventional.

I run a few other YouTube channels, one for my DJ mixes called @ghostintentmusic, & another where I curate music on a channel called @1PlaylistAWeek.

I'm a post-beginner to an intermediate programmer as well. My dabbling in code from time to time includes football & data analytics using Python to audio software programming using C++ and JUCE, which you can find on my Github.

You can find all or most of my links on my Linktree.

And you can browse the sections on this website for my Featured Articles, and links to my Music and Books. You can access the various sections by clicking the links or the drop-down menu(on mobile) in the header section above.

Please do get in touch with me if you'd like to work with me.

Thank you,

